Getting involved/contributing


If you want to try out the latest version of this thing yourself:

  1. Follow the installation instructions above, but instead of downloading a release, clone this repository to get the latest development version of the code.
  2. Copy all the .py files to the addons folder under your Blender scripts folder, or run export/ to automatically copy the Blender scripts.

To clone the repository:

  1. Open the Linux terminal/Command prompt/Git Bash/whatever you use.
  2. Go to a directory outside of your Blender scripts folder.
  3. Type in git clone, and press enter.

This will create a folder named "WCPBlenderExporter" containing the latest versions of the code files.

To update to the latest development version of the code:

  1. Go to the folder you cloned the repository into using the Linux terminal/Command prompt/Git Bash/whatever you use.
  2. Type in git pull origin master, and press enter.


If you want to contribute to this project, get the latest development version of the code, and check out the issues page, or the Wing Blender forum thread on WC CIC.